Question / Help Multistream - Two Players - Different City - Nginx / MBAir


New Member
Hey Everyone,

My friend and I live in different cities. Our goal has been to play retro games together, each taking turns as we attempt the levels (our old brains don't play these games as well as we remember.)

So far, I have used a combination of Skype, Google Hangouts, OBS, and a few other services to get things working. Basically, we share cameras with Skype, screen share with Hangouts, and then arrange them in OBS and use to send them to our personal Twitch/Youtube pages.

It does work. We have had two successful streams. The problem is that having all those resources open and running really taxes our computers. It is, as you can imagine almost impossible to make each others game streams smooth as we have to use Hangouts to share screens, and then the laggy "Window Capture" in OBS.

I would like to explore setting up am RTMP server using Nginx, but I have a bunch of questions. I was hoping you guys could perhaps answer them.

1. MacBook Air

My understanding is that this would work if I streamed my game/camera from my Mac, my friend did the same, to a computer, then that computer would run two instances of OBS, which would upload through the online server, to whatever our respective streaming sites were.

Is this the correct way of doing this, and would it work on the MacBook Air?

2. Setup

If this is correct and the MacBook Air can handle this task, does anyone know of a good tutorial on setting this up on OS X?

3. Bandwidth

I have 1TB of bandwidth every 30 days from my ISP. If the MacBook was in my house, and I was receiving my friends stream, then sending my stream to the MBA, then out to a server... what kind of bandwidth am I looking at?

Is this feasible?


I am really hoping someone can get me pointed in the right direction. We are having a lot of fun, but I would like to make things a little easier than setting up a bunch of programs every time, cropping, moving, lagging...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

