Question / Help Multiple video streams like 50


New Member

So the club I am in, want to video stream 50 target faces to a "webserver" So I am totally new to this idea but a long time Linux person.

So I was thinking 50 rasperberry Pi s each with a video camera and bringing them together somehow say nginix? maybe steam to youtube?

I suppose I am looking for an overall architecture and not detail right now to see if using OBS is an idea worth following up.


New Member
Hmmm not 100% sure, I am sort of feeling my way on this. I suspect that a video stream showing say the top maybe 4 or maybe 8 might be enough. However each competitor might have a following watching.

I guess its getting an idea of what the limits are / what is practical. Certainly as a minimum the organisers want to pick up one or two "wandering" cameras and stream it out to say youtube as a minimum.


New Member
I don't think obs will help I don't pi is not powerful enough(I could be wrong). Also for this you will need what ever is combining them to have supper fast internet becuse it would have to take in 50 streams at once. One option is to use some kinda web conferencing software and just use a computer to stream that. You *might* be able to find a way to stream the camera to rtmp then this will help . Past that I don't now much sorry.