Multiple usb cam port assignment changing


This is a problem that has plagued me for a very long time. It has occurred on several different computers and numerous Xubuntu LTS versions, using USB expansion cards and not. In my main OBS profile I have one master scene to act as a placeholder for all resources. In it I've got 5 Logitech C270 USB web cams connected at all times that I switch off between, 2 screen captures, 4 preformatted text messages I can turn on and off, and I plan to add a scrolling chat feed soon. Then I have various other scenes that group certain resources together to switch between. With so many USB cams, to conserve bandwidth, all are set to some form of emulated video format, most are set to 640x360, and I have uvcvideo.conf in my /etc/modprobe.d with options uvcvideo quirks=128.

The problem is I often fire up OBS, especially after a kernel upgrade, only to find that most of my camera port assignments have become all jumbled around. Most times it requires that I cold boot, followed by one or two soft boots and OBS restarts, and then the port assignments return to normal. This last time (the final straw) I had to disable all my streams in all of my scenes, then jump through the steps above again until things finally returned to normal. I have, in the past, also had to scrap everything and start over. That is not my idea of fun.

Is there anything that can be done to lock down USB web cam port assignments in OBS? Free beer to the first person that solves this problem for me. Go!