Question / Help Multiple Twitch Accounts with OBS Studio

John Navara

New Member
I have 2 separate accounts for streaming; One for flight sim and one for iRacing. Is there a way to setup both accounts with OBS? I tried another installation of OBS Studio on a different hard drive and it didn't work.



Make a different profile. To keep your settings just hit duplicate. Then just change your stream key under the stream tab.

John Navara

New Member

Thanks for the reply. I did try that but wasn't sure that it worked. I deleted a Scene in one profile and it deleted it on both. Not sure if that is the way it's supposed to work. I have since created new scenes for the new profile



There are two different things you create settings for. There are your profiles and your scenes. Profiles just change your settings such as your stream key and encoding settings while scene collections just contain groups of scenes (if you have a lot of scenes)

So if you used a different profile but not a different scene collection then yes, it would it would delete the scene for all your profiles.


New Member
Hi all. I can not broadcast video at the same time from two sources and two different accounts on YouTube. I followed the instructions of the user C-Dude making 2 profiles, one for each YouTube account, and it does not work. The most I have achieved is to broadcast video by one account or by the other, but never the 2 accounts at the same time. I know that OBS allows me to do this, but something I'm not doing well, I still do not master the philosophy of profiles and scenes. Please someone who tells me step by step, how to simultaneously issue 2 sources in 2 different YouTube accounts. A help please I'm desperate. Thank you very much. Mario


New Member
[QUOTE = "Narcogen, post: 392022, miembro: 22467"] Los perfiles permiten cambiar entre diferentes cuentas de transmisión. No permite la transmisión simultánea a dos cuentas. Para hacer eso, necesita usar un servicio como, o configurar un servidor NGINX-RTMP, transmitir a eso, y configurar ese servidor para enviar flujos a dos cuentas diferentes de YouTube. [/ QUOTE]


New Member
I have two different Profiles and two different stream scenes for both Twitch and Kick but, when I hit go live even when I'm on my Kick profile/scenes which is complete with my stream key and PW and auth set.. It still makes me live on Twitch, not on Kick. Any Ideas? Do I have to disconnect my Twitch account to go live on Kick... I hope not, that would totally make having two profiles worthless.


Active Member
I have two different Profiles and two different stream scenes for both Twitch and Kick but, when I hit go live even when I'm on my Kick profile/scenes which is complete with my stream key and PW and auth set.. It still makes me live on Twitch, not on Kick. Any Ideas? Do I have to disconnect my Twitch account to go live on Kick... I hope not, that would totally make having two profiles worthless.
You are posting on a 4 year old thread. Please post on a new thread with an OBS log from a launch of obs where you had this issue.