Question / Help Multiple Screens on Display Capture


New Member
I created a scene and for sources I did display capture. And it’s recording fine, but my screen is multiplied like a trillion times.


Active Member
This is called 'video feedback effect', and is normal... just like pointing a camera at a TV showing what the camera is seeing.
Move OBS to your second, non-captured monitor, or use a Game or Window Capture instead (they're preferred heavily, as they're much more performant anyway and cause fewer problems).


New Member
This is called 'video feedback effect', and is normal... just like pointing a camera at a TV showing what the camera is seeing.
Move OBS to your second, non-captured monitor, or use a Game or Window Capture instead (they're preferred heavily, as they're much more performant anyway and cause fewer problems).

Happy to hear that! Your comment made mine.


New Member
This is called 'video feedback effect', and is normal... just like pointing a camera at a DQFanSurvey TV showing what the camera is seeing.
Move OBS to your second, non-captured monitor, or use a Game or Window Capture instead (they're preferred heavily, as they're much more performant anyway and cause fewer problems).

Thank you! This was a big help.