Question / Help Multiple Outputs to Broadcast Mediums


New Member
At what point will OBS introduce multi-platform broadcasting? I'm quite surprised after six years, OBS still can't do this - I'd figure this would be something quite easy for any programmer who's already worked on this and knows what he's doing to do. AT LEAST, the capability of adding on Facebook casting in addition to whatever other cast you're running whether it be to Twitch or YouTube or whatever.


New Member
Yes but there are already providers that offer this service for a fee. Also, what do we, a bunch of open source software users, care about what a large, centralized, social media platform says? We should really not be caring about what Facebook's "Terms of Service" are.....


New Member
Banned from where? OBS? For making an add-on that allows simulcasting to Facebook and other sources at once? That sounds a bit absurd. But if you mean banned from Facebook, I'm not sure what effing loser would report someone for simulcasting on Facebook and another media medium simultaneously....


Active Member
Considering that swatting exists, you underestimate a person's limit to douchebaggery.

Regardless, when simulcasting is implemented, broadcasting to facebook will likely block simulcasting due to us not wanting to deal with that mess.


New Member
Swatting? It's not illegal. It's Facebook's policy. So I ask again, why would anyone or yourself care what Facebook says about simulcasting? Let Facebook ban the user if they dislike what they are doing. It's not our obligation to refrain from upgrading our open source software because other companies don't like it certain features the users may decide to implement. That's not how capitalism works.


New Member
Updating all this thread for whichever of you cucks thought this was impossible for some reason. But has implemented Facebook simulcasting into their services. The only problem is that to do it with a business page costs money. We should already be implementing this into OBS.


New Member
Once again, Facebook is just a company. Why are we letting some corporation dictate what our software can and cannot do? This is a ridiculous argument on it's face.