Question / Help Multiple OBS Recordings Overwriting Each Other

Gus Joseph

New Member
Hey Everyone,

So I wanted to record 2 video sources separately (to edit them myself later) so I saw that the way to do that was to open 2 instances of OBS and to just record like that. However, when I hit the hotkey to record, in the file destination only one recording shows up, even though both windows of OBS display that they're recording. It works fine when I individually start each recording (I'm assuming because the video names are different) but the hotkey method only results in a single recording. I read that it's supposed to just create a video file with the name and a (1) after it (like recording and recording(1)) but that doesn't seem to be happening for me. Any advice would be hugely appreciated! Also, let me know if I should include a log, I wasn't sure if I should seeing as it's not a recording error per-se, more of an encoding issue.

Thanks in advance,



You could try setting one of the instances of OBS to record to a different output directory from the other. You can set up a different profile for this if you need to do it on more than one occasion.

Gus Joseph

New Member
Oh you can save the output destination to specific profiles? Didn't know that, I'll give it a try when i get home!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I had this same problem in June. I wish it were automatically handled, but for now it seems that the suggested solution is multiple instances of OBS Studio which use different profiles/settings.