Question / Help Multiple Instances of OBS

I run several shows using OBS. The Scenes area (block) is getting quite cluttered with all the different images and videos that belong to the different shows.

Is there a way for OBS to "Save as" the show name, so when I open a show name, it will only contain images and videos that belong only to that show?



Active Member
Scene Collection --> New. Create your shows. Export and Import the scenes. Delete the ones from each collection you don't need for that show.
NM Thank you so much... that really helped me a lot. When things get crazy and rushed, I have clicked on the wrong show title, which gets streamed... very embarrassing. With your help, that will never happen again, because the wrong show title won't even show up in "Scenes".

I exported the scenes and tried to import them into the newly named show, but all it did was create another untitled,, which I renamed. I also noticed that when I added a space to the name, it also triggered a transition, because I use the Space Bar as a transition and the Enter key as a direct cut; and that's a whole other thread. We have a small studio with a massive 10'x20' Disney Industry Standard (paint) Green Screen and a professional ENG camera; and we turn out some pretty good stuff. I'd send the pics, but apparently they're too big.

Thanks again!

Blue Scarecrow Home Entertainment


Active Member
The issue with Space Bar you mention is "addressed" here. See R1CH's post for a possible solution or use Ctrl + Space (or something like that) for transitions.