Multiple Cameras


New Member
Hello! My church recently purchased 3 new PTZOptics cameras, an ATEM Mini Pro ISO, and a PTZOptics Superjoy controller.

We had been using one older PTZOptics camera with OBS.

Now with 3 new cameras, how do we connect one video source and use our ATEM switcher to switch between camera views rather than switching between cameras/scenes in OBS?

All three cameras are connected in OBS via RTSP each with its own IP Address.

Can I connect the ATEM Switcher’s IP, or the Superjoy’s IP address to have one source-yet 3 cameras? Does that make sense?




Active Member
how do we connect one video source and use our ATEM switcher to switch between camera views rather than switching between cameras/scenes in OBS?
That sounds like an ATEM question to me, not OBS. Do they have a forum?

It's hard to beat a physical user interface, so I'm not going to push you away from the ATEM *too* hard, but you do realize that OBS has hotkeys, right? Figure out what keys on the keyboard should correspond to what actions, and that can be a physical UI too.

I've pretty well filled the numpad with my hotkeys, and stayed on the numpad. That way the rest of the keyboard is free to use as a normal keyboard, and I still have my physical buttons. (the top-row numbers are different from the 'pad, so OBS doesn't freak out when I use them)


The USB interface on the ATEM should appear as a webcam when attached to your PC. In OBS add a "Video Capture Device" to a scene and select the ATEM from the list. Make sure the ATEM is attached and ready before starting OBS. I don't know if audio is also sent from the ATEM.