Question / Help Multiple Audio Tracks


New Member
Hello, so the new audio track feature is amazing I will say probably one of the best features added in my opinion.

But the only problem is, how're you supposed to extract the multiple audio streams?

And you could just say do it some other way with third-party stuff, but I already have and it didn't work, all the audio was still on top of one another.

Is there any way to extract the audio streams like dxtory?

That would be amazing since them I can use obs to also record my desktop etc. :)

Thank you for reading. :D

~Bloodshot o/


New Member
Okay, I kinda did that but how do I get each track to output different files per track?
I use this to record with not stream as much, and I have no idea how to extract the different audio tracks/streams.


OBS won't output to separate files per track, you'll need to use something else to extract the streams if you need them in separate files.


New Member
OBS won't output to separate files per track, you'll need to use something else to extract the streams if you need them in separate files.
Yeah, I thought as much but I tried that using a software called Handbrake as it was in a tutorial but I tried it and all the sound streams were on the file which was supposed to only do desktop sound. But this would be a neat feature if they could add something like the dxtory audio file splitting.


You have to do a number of things for this to work. You have to assign audio to individual tracks in OBS. You have to make sure you're writing out those individual tracks from OBS, which means using Advanced mode for recording and checking the track boxes for all the tracks you want. And then you have to make sure you're extracting the audio from the files correctly and not merging it all back together into a single stereo track.


New Member
You have to do a number of things for this to work. You have to assign audio to individual tracks in OBS. You have to make sure you're writing out those individual tracks from OBS, which means using Advanced mode for recording and checking the track boxes for all the tracks you want. And then you have to make sure you're extracting the audio from the files correctly and not merging it all back together into a single stereo track.
Oh thanks the stereo thing might be causing it as I already have split the tracks in the advanced mode.
TSMuxer might be able to extract or "demux" the individual audio streams as well.
And thanks I'll take a look. :)


New Member
Glad you got it sorted out.
Thank you both for the support and suggestions, it also seemed I didn't really have the mixer options set up correctly. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

But I have another question, I read that you can add even more inputs? How would one do this?