Question / Help Multiple Audio Tracks


New Member
Hi folks,

I'm having some issues getting multiple audio tracks to work properly with OBS (I think). I have 3 different tracks set up across two devices - one track which will pick up both game and voip audio, then an individual track for each game and voip themselves. It seems to record just fine and in VLC Player I can select each individual track to play back as needed.

The problem I'm running into is if I go to edit the file in PrPro I'm unable to manipulate the audio tracks, and VLC player is unable to extract anything but audio track 1.

I've attached the log file created after creating a short desktop recording that should have 3 separate tracks in it but honestly I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at with this to know if there's anything wrong. I guess my question is am I missing something and the issue is my OBS configuration, or is this a problem with PrPro and not related to OBS at all?



  • 2016-03-03 21-24-16.txt
    11 KB · Views: 27