Bug Report Multiple Audio Track Recording Issue


New Member
Okay. This is going to be difficult to explain. I recently downloaded and installed OBS MP because I had learned it supported multiple audio tracks! Great! I can finally record gameplay sessions on my AMD card and also record my friends in teamspeak!

My issue is that I have 3 Audio Devices. My default speakers which captures my game sounds. My headset which captures my teamspeak. And finally my headset mic. When I have Audio device 1 as Default, Audio device 2 as headset and Recording device 1 as my mic the recording works fantastic! For the first time... After the first time I record, I have to go into the audio settings and chance Audio device 1 from Default to my Speakers (Realtek). Trying to record again and it's perfect. I'm recording all three flawlessly, however when I stop recording and try to start again I have to change the Audio device 1 back to the Default tab selection. I have to alternate whenever I want to stop recording and start again.

I've tried switching it from Audio device 1 to 2 and so forth however I still have to alternate between the two options if I wish to record multiple times.


  • 2016-01-31-0137-27.log
    1.8 KB · Views: 24


Active Member
How long after stopping are you trying to start the next recording?

Also that log isn't from multiplatform, it's a horridly cropped log from legacy.


New Member
How long after stopping are you trying to start the next recording?

Also that log isn't from multiplatform, it's a horridly cropped log from legacy.
I tried multiple tests. Some tests only seconds after the first, others up to 5 minutes.
And I didn't realize, sorry. Where would I find the OBS MP log?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hey Crimsonus, thank you for the log. When you say this:

After the first time I record, I have to go into the audio settings and chance Audio device 1 from Default to my Speakers (Realtek). Trying to record again and it's perfect. I'm recording all three flawlessly, however when I stop recording and try to start again I have to change the Audio device 1 back to the Default tab selection. I have to alternate whenever I want to stop recording and start again.

You state that you do it, but not why you do it, or what happens if you don't. What specifically is the reason? What happens if you don't?

Also, could you give me a log of it happening when you don't do that? (And I'll mention this just in case: a log is generated for each time the program is run, so getting the last log for example will get a log for the last time the program was opened, not the last recording/streaming session)


New Member
Hey Crimsonus, thank you for the log. When you say this:

You state that you do it, but not why you do it, or what happens if you don't. What specifically is the reason? What happens if you don't?

Also, could you give me a log of it happening when you don't do that? (And I'll mention this just in case: a log is generated for each time the program is run, so getting the last log for example will get a log for the last time the program was opened, not the last recording/streaming session)
You're right sorry I didn't state what is happening. If I do not change audio devices each time after I wish to create another recording I do not have any sound coming from any non-teamspeak applications. The log I have included is two recordings of which I do not change audio devices. Watching the playback I know sound will be in the first playback, and as per usual in the second recording there is no sound from the main device.


  • 2016-02-01 14-35-35.txt
    11.2 KB · Views: 11


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Firstly, update to 0.13.1-rc1. Second, if it continues to happen, may I please see the log associated with the session that failed?


New Member
This log is of my most recent test session. Two recordings, same settings for both, first recording has sound and the second does not.


  • 2016-02-03 13-03-43.txt
    15.1 KB · Views: 12


New Member
Okay so I have a report to make. I recently upgraded CPU and my MOBO and I have not encountered the issue since updating parts.