Question / Help Multiplatform Noob


New Member
Hey there, Looking to make the jump to Multi-platform as it appears to be the future of OBS and I already like some of the changes compared to the older version. Some questions I have though...

How do I preview my audio and get all my levels set before streaming/recording? I found a way to out put to my speakers/headphones but it doesn't allow me to adjust the levels once I change that setting.

Second, how do I crop my webcam window. In the old OBS I can hold down ALT and grab the sides. This version doesn't seem to have that option.

Third, has someone made a setup guide for YouTube Gaming or has the official guide been updated?

Thanks for your help guys!


New Member
I'm a complete beginner with this software but I try..

For the cropping, one way I found to do it was to right click the source and go to Filters, and there in Effect Filters there's a crop filter that can be added.

Audio, I added Output capture source and Microphone sources and levels are adjustable in the "mixer" area after that, there's also Advanced Audio Properties in the edit menu which seem to offer the similar options for each source, with some additional panning features or so, if that's any use.

Good luck with it, I hope you find your answers soon.


New Member
Got the cropping, thanks.

Still can't figure out a way to preview my streams audio through headphones. So far I've resorted to recording a clip then listening back to it, making adjustments and then recording again. Very lame.

Is there no way to output your stream to your desktop to listen to it with all your audio tracks to adjust levels?


New Member
Never mind, figured out the audio in "OG OBS". Just need to figure out the delay between what I hear and what I'm playing. Thanks!