Question / Help Multipe Audio Track recordings generate no audio source


New Member
So I've been trying to get multiple audio tracks to work with recordings in OBS but whenever I finish a recording and want to look back at it, it has no audio what so ever. If I then drag it into Sony Vegas it's quite clear that it has no audio source attatched to it at all since it only comes with a video source.

Note that streaming is fine and has propper audio,.

Ive followed this:

My setup plus result in Sony Vegas:

Ignore attached file and use link above for referense images.


  • Audio1.png
    315.1 KB · Views: 62
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New Member
Saving as mvk does not change anything appart from that I now can't import it to Sony Vegas, the example which both you and I've now linked shows mp4 which also don't work.


New Member
Recording configured with tracks 2,3 and 4 checked (update OBS and get 6 tracks!)
Mixer cog:
Mic/Aux2 goes to tracks 1 and 2
Mic/Aux goes to tracks 1 and 3
Desktop goes to track 1 and 4

So, config is OK.

Maybe a Sony Vegas problem?

EDIT: Try using Handbrake to process file before opening in Vegas.
As I thought and might be, however I still get no sound when playing through VLC or other media players.
Also, how do I use Handbrake?


Active Member
Try converting video to a more compatible format for Vegas
(I do not use Vegas; so, no real idea wich is the best format for Vegas)


New Member
I've always used mp4 for Vegas, it's even the format in which I render, it's the optimal format for Vegas. However I dont see why converting the video to another format will help creating sound that isn't there to begin with. It doesn't create a sound source.
No sound in VLC, windows media player or Vegas.


New Member
If I only select to record one audio track it works and I can record all sound like that but I'd really like to use Multiple Tracks


New Member
There we go!
I had to include the first track too for some reason for it to record all other sound tracks.
I then, in order to make it Vegas compatable record it as mkv and remux it into a mp4. Now I get all audio tracks! :D

Thanks for the help!
Odd, I record to MP4 using NVENC and have no trouble in Sony Movie Studio (which uses the same editing engine as Vegas). I only have issues in Movie Studio when I try to record lossless.