Question / Help Multi Track Recording Issue?[SOLVED]


New Member
Not sure how to best explain this, but hopefully somebody will understand.
I use this software to stream on Twitch, I used to stream and record at the same time with 3 separate tracks.
I would have,
Track 1 as my microphone.
Track 2 as the game audio.
Track 3 as desktop audio so viewers could request songs to be played in the stream.

In the older version of OBS MP (0.11.1) I could have all 3 tracks playing in the stream on different audio channels. So if there was a stream highlight that I wanted to upload to my Youtube channel, I could remove the music that would be copyrighted. (Track 3)
[See 1st image]

In the new version of OBS MP (0.13.1-rc1) to get all 3 tracks to play in stream I have to have them on the same audio channel, if not only channel 1 plays into the stream. So now if I want to upload a stream highlight to my Youtube channel I cannot separate the audio when editing because they are all on the same track.
[See 2nd image]

Does anyone here know if there is a way to get this working again like it used to in the older version? Or the reason why it doesn't work the same as it used to in the older version?

Image 1.png
Image 2.png