Bug Report MP4 in scene will not play after initial scene selection


New Member
First, Kudos to Jim and the dev team for a sterling product (getting better.)
I use three sources in a scene called "Intro". From top to bottom they are:
Media Source - MP4 with animated logo and music
Image - Logo "bug" in upper right corner
Video Capture Device - Camera via video capture card.
The idea is that upon starting the live stream, I select this scene. The video plays and is set to "hide source when playback ends" whereupon the logo "bug" and camera video become visible to the audience. Looping is not desired nor is "loop" set.

The issue am stumped by is that if, (during prep for live stream) i select that scene and the video plays, subsequently when I select that scene the MP4 will not play again. I'd like it to play each time I select that scene.

The only way I've found to trigger it to play is to select the scene, then double click the Media Source for properties, then click OK. That will trigger the playing of the MP4 while the scene is "live".
This won't work as the idea is to hide the other souces until the video has played.
Oh, and it will also play when I start OBS (and I've left the cursor on the "Intro" scene prior.
Is this by design? Or, is it a bug?
My thought would be that upon selection of the scene all sources therein should be triggered.

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.
If I'm understanding correctly, this is by design (because of how sources are handled in OBS MP). Maybe there'll be more advanced features in this direction in the future.

Have you tried hiding an un-hiding the MP4? (you can hide by clicking on the eye symbol) I loosely remember this causing video sources to start over in the old OBS, though I'm probably wrong.

Alternatively you could have 2 different scenes, one with your MP4 on loop, and one with your capture device + logo. You manually switch to the MP4 scene and let it play, then manually change scenes to your capture device + logo scene. It might be useful to add a bit of waiting time at the end of your MP4 (just add a few seconds of black or something) and define a hotkey for switching the scene. Maybe that works?

Gol D. Ace

Normal Scenes will not work in MP because almost all (if not all) Sources in MP are Global.
Hiding the Source will not unload it.

The only way to workaround this currently is by using Scene Collections.


Community Helper
I wouldn't go so far as to say this behavior is "by design". It's a consequence of the current design, yes, but obviously media controls still need to be added, as well as making the media source aware of scene changes, and thus be able to respond to them by playing/pausing etc.