Question / Help Moving scenes and profiles from OBS to OBS Studio


New Member
I want to try Studio and I just scanned through the forum and didn't find this basic info :

- how does one move (copy) all parameters, scenes collections and streaming profiles from OBS to OBS studio ?

I tried to simply copy the files in both "roaming" directories but it doesn't seem to do the trick...


Active Member
The two use different file formats. An importer was started a while ago, but no word yet.


It's honestly so much easier to use, and it's not like i takes that much time to redo even a complicated one. You know basically how you're going to do it.


New Member
yes definitly, It's actually done in no time ! I'm VERY pleased with this version

it's amazing


So many people I've told about it have voiced the same concern and I'm always confused about it lol.
Some people outright refused because of it and I've realized that some streamers have no idea how to set their own stream up. It blows my mind.