Question / Help Move Scenes and OBS settings between two macs?


New Member
Hello OBS gurus,

I setup the scenes for a friend of mine who also has a MAC. When i transfer over the folder containing the slideshows, audio clips, etc. it seems i have to re-link everything from scratch on the other persons mac because the path name has my mac username embedded in the link. And i have to update each one to hers when i transfer over the media folder.

Thats the first problem. Second problem is even though i tried exporting the 6 scenes, the import never seems to work right on the other side. Wish there was a simple backup/restore that worked across pcs. And maybe there is?

How would you do this? Is there a place i could put this common folder on the mac (maybe in library or applications??) where i can just send it to her mac and the OBS there will load up the scenes / media as ive set it all up and i dont have to essentially rebuild it all again on her side?



There are a few different ways.

For pure mac-2-mac, the scenes are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/basic/scenes. You could manually copy them, along with everything that you reference in them to a new mac. (I'd probably use tar for that. I keep all of my images, pre-rolls, etc in ~/OBS so tar -cvf OBS.tar ~/OBS ~//Library/Application Support/obs-studio/basic/scenes. Then I'd move the tar file.)

The way I normally do this (because it also works really well and allows easy movement of scene collections and their supporting resources between mac and windows ) is to use the 'discombulator' function built into UpDeck. It makes it super easy to copy a scene collection and all of its resources and move it to another system (mac or windows.) Once on the new system you still have to update any audio or video devices that are changed, but everything is there. UpDeck is free. Here is the Website