Bug Report Mouse key as push-to-talk, not capturing key press


New Member
Setting a mouse key in OBS works. When using the key either OBS won't trigger or only capture sound for a few milliseconds.

The log file is being spammed with the following *at least* every second when a mouse key is set (even when not pushing the key):
13:20:58: xcb_query_pointer_reply failed

Using OBS 0.10.0 on Linux Mint 17. Complete log file is attached to the topic.


  • 2015-05-14 13-20-57.txt
    137.1 KB · Views: 47


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Known bug, will be fixed next patch. Sorry about the trouble.


New Member
OK! Glad it's known and is being worked on. Once it's fixed there's only noise gate left on my request list. :)


New Member
Updated to OBS 0.10.1 but the issue still remain. The only difference is that the log file is no longer being spammed.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Perhaps you're trying to bind left or right mouse buttons? You can't bind mouse 1/2 (left/right), you can bind middle mouse button and above though.


New Member
Perhaps you're trying to bind left or right mouse buttons? You can't bind mouse 1/2 (left/right), you can bind middle mouse button and above though.
I'm trying to bind mouse button 9, or what OBS think is mouse button 9 at least. xev tells me it's button 13. Binding middle (3) is working without any problems.


New Member
If I remap my button 13 to 2 OBS will find it just fine as the middle button (albeit show button 3 in the GUI).

Once I remap to higher numbers OBS will faili to binding them correctly. If I remap to button 20 OBS will think it's button 16 and fail with the hotkey. Button 21 becomes 17 and so on.


New Member
If I remap my button 13 to 2 OBS will find it just fine as the middle button (albeit show button 3 in the GUI).

Once I remap to higher numbers OBS will faili to binding them correctly. If I remap to button 20 OBS will think it's button 16 and fail with the hotkey. Button 21 becomes 17 and so on.

Thanks, I had this same problem on obs-studio 0.14.1 on Gentoo trying to use mouse button (6 in GUI, 10 in xev). I ended up remapping Mouse 10 to Mouse 2 via this command:

$ xinput set-button-map 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

where the first parameter 9 is the id of my mouse via

$ xinput list

and now it works. Mumble works correctly with this mouse button, must be a difference on how they are grabbing mouse events?


New Member
I am still seeing this as well in 0.16.2.

I just bought a Corsair M65 RGB Pro and using ckb, I am able to bind my sniper button to be used as a PTT for any mouse button 1-9. Any mouse button after 3 does not trigger push to talk correctly and just shows that it is recording for less than second before turning off.


New Member
I'm still having this issue on OBS Studio 0.16.4-1 on Arch. I can set it to any key on my keyboard and my middle mouse button for Push-to-Talk, but my two side mouse buttons don't trigger the Push-to-Talk.


New Member

as far as I see the opened bug report is still not processed or looked at. I have this issue where I can't bind any of my extra mouse buttons for PPT in OBS on Linux (Linux Mint 18.3, x64). And it works on Windows 10 no problem.

Since this probably is affecting very small amount of people and there is not much interest to handle this, maybe someone can point me in the right direction in the sources for me to look up and check if I can try fix it myself and submit a PR?



New Member
Since this probably is affecting very small amount of people and there is not much interest to handle this, maybe someone can point me in the right direction in the sources for me to look up and check if I can try fix it myself and submit a PR?

I'm also affected running obs-studio 27.1.3-3 on Arch. Mouse4 doesn't work as push-to-talk button.


New Member
I'm also affected running obs-studio 27.1.3-3 on Arch. Mouse4 doesn't work as push-to-talk button.
In the last 27.something version it worked. Updated to 28.something and it didn't. Rolled back the update and mouse4 and 5 worked again. So I guess I'll stick with 27.something. Also on Archlinux. X86_64. Logitech usb mouse.


New Member
I'm now running OBS Studio - 31.0.0. on arch (extra/obs-studio 31.0.0-4 ). Same problem.
Works fine in Mumble. I can set mouse 4 and 5 in the OBS hotkey menu. It registers the pushing but it releases instantly. Works fine if I use keyboard keys instead.