More Scenes vs More Sources Within A Single Scene?


New Member
Hey, thanks in advance for any help provided.

I'm looking for a definite answer on this, will I use more resources having more scenes or more sources?

Right now I have my PC Gameplay Scene and PS4 Gameplay Scene. Both have 17 sources within them.
Would I be better off just adding a single PS4 Remote Play Window Capture to my already 17 Source strong PC Gameplay Scene that I can toggle on and off with a hotkey? Or do Sources have no effect on system performance when not open?

Thanks in advance for the help!
If I'm not being clear or need to further explain, please let me know and I'll get straight back to you!


Active Member
Building simpler scenes and scene collections

OBS allows you to build wildly complex scenes and make scene collections as large as you want. However, more complexity comes at a price. Every source requires some amount of resources to be shown in the scene. Most sources will also require some resources even if they aren't visible. This is to allow smoother transitions between scenes in the same scene collection, among other benefits.

If your scenes get very complex or your scene collections become too large, OBS may require more resources than your system can spare while doing other things, like gaming. Fortunately, this can be remedied by following a few practices, which we'll go over below.

Keep scene collections small and focused

OBS uses Scene Collections to organize scenes. You don't need to keep every single scene you'll ever use in the same scene collection. If you find OBS performance is not as snappy as it was when you first started, consider splitting your scene collection up into multiple scene collections. You can create new scene collections or duplicate existing scene collections by using the "Scene Collection" menu at the top of the OBS application window.

There's a bit more on that page but that should help.