More Audio Tracks?


New Member
Is there a way to get more audio tracks into OBS Studio?
Right now I am using the 4 Tracks as following:
1. Desktop sound + Microphone + TS -> Stream + Recording
2. Desktop sound -> Recording
3. Microphone -> Recording
4. TS -> Recording

Sometimes I have to switch off TS during the stream but can leave it in for the YouTube upload. Leading to this setup:
1. Desktop sound + Microphone -> Stream + Recording
2. Desktop sound -> Recording
3. Microphone -> Recording
4. TS -> Recording
With this setup I have to recode the video to mix together tracks 2-4 into a single track for YouTube uploading.

To make that easier for me I would love to get more Tracks in so I could easily setup the following:
1. Desktop sound + Microphone + TS -> Recording
2. Desktop sound + Microphone -> Stream
3. Desktop sound -> Recording
4. Microphone -> Recording
5. TS -> Recording

This way I would not have to recode every time but could just upload the Video. YouTube automatically takes the first track as audio and ignores all others.


New Member
I also want more tracks.

I have lots of virtual audio devices and I found my self needing some more tracks to store everything separately to make my life easier.