Question / Help Monster Computer having lags while streaming


New Member
Hello guys, I just bought a new computer so I can have a better stream quality.
i7 6770K, GTX 1080 Strix, 32 Gb ram, Samsung 950 Pro 512gb m2.

I went through updating the GFX card, Making sure windows has all its updates. And played around a lot with OBS studio configuration.

I thought that with this setup I could run pretty much anything at maximum while streaming, my Internet connection is beastly as well, 950mb down for 300 up..

Now the thing is I have stutters and lags In game while playing and it is as soon as I start streaming, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, but what? =X On stream side I do get some pixelated screens once in a while but no frame drop and doesn't lag either.

Here is my log,

Any help is really appreciated and thanks in advance.


New Member
With that sort of internet your 2500 kb/s could be bumped to 3500 but you have to be careful of your audience, also try other servers than the one OBS picks for you. Also what platform are you streaming on?


New Member
I downgraded it to 2500 kb/s for my viewers and I went with New York server since it's the closest one to me. And I'm streaming on OBS studio 0.15.4 64 bits windows for twitch!

The real problem that I'm having is that as soon as I start streaming, the game itself start lagging, and It doesn't matter if I put all the settings to their lowest or not... So I'm kinda out of solution.


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New Member
What game are you playing? If the game has an FPS counter, make sure to monitor that and see if it's server lag or actual FPS lag.
Is the framerate uncapped in the game? OBS doesn't like that because it needs some spare GPU power to render the stream. Don't matter how good your GPU is if you're using all of it or what settings you used.


New Member
I capped the FPS at 100, and I'm playing overwatch (so nope it's not server sided). Thanks for trying and helping me out!


New Member


New Member
In Overwatch, in video settings put the quality on ultra, put your frame cap on 300, but enable vsync and display performance stats.