Bug Report Monitor Delay


Hey ho

I Start now a Bug related Report by find no solutions
like my Regular question post tells (Link: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/mic-delay-after-long-stream-time.114935/ )

I Have a Issue with a running away delay on my Mic Monitoring
On Stream start its "real time" i hear it in the moment i speak it
the delay between i speak and i hear it increase at a rate of like 1ms/s so after 30 Minutes is a half second
after 2h 1.5-2 seconds
Stream output is "realtime" only the monitor run's away
tryd adjust time on advanced audio from 25-2000ms + and - nothing worked

same with hardware timings active and disabled
the auto timing for the stream works perfect but the monitor is a non stop issue

A simple disable and reactivate monitor fix it but without a hotkey its ****** to open every time the advanced disable and activate it

so it will be really great if the issue is hard to find that we add a hotkey with that you can "restart" all active monitors
i think it can be a "problem" with the hardware individual and not so spreaded to invest time to debug it
and can be easier to add a "Hotkey" setting for ppl with that problem to instant restart all active monitor sessions
sample/bit all same

00:44:42.168: WASAPI: Device 'Mikrofon ( SM900 Microphone)' initialized
00:44:42.214: adding 42 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)

Edit: the only difference is that the mic is Mono channel all other stereo (that can be create the issue i think)



New Member
I have had exactly the same issue. My audio seems to be fine and in sync in the video, but my monitor for the audio has an increasing delay over time. Is there some sort of internal sample rate happening for the monitor mixed, separate to the main output?
I’ve looked all over for a fix to this, and tried so much stuff. Unfortunately I’m using a Mac, and I’ve seen many people using Macs be told there’s nothing to be done...
if there is anything, like the OP has said, or even if possible to automatically “refresh” the monitor signal every ‘X’ amount of minutes, to bring the monitor back in line with the video would be great.
Most of all, a solution would be awesome though.
Thanks all