Question / Help Mojave FPS drops streaming twitch


New Member
Hi guys,

I am using a iMac Retina 5k, 27 inch, 2017, 4,2 GHZ i7, 16GB ram, Radeon Pro 580 8 GB with macOS Mojave.
Before I updated my system I could stream on twitch using OBS and syphon inject, syphon inject doesn't work on Mojave anymore.

I streamed Warcraft III, which is a 17 year old game and I have significantly FPS drops so it is not worth to stream. I used display and window capture, both horrible solutions. How can it be, that my computer is not able to stream a 17 year old game by window/display capture? Is there any solution to make it run smoothly?



Active Member
Downgrade to High Sierra; use a capture card and a 2nd computer.

Window capture I would expect to perform poorly, but the same was true of display capture? Because that probably shouldn't be true...


New Member
Downgrade is not really an option I suppose....
Is there any plans to make OBS work for Mojave smoothly?

Yes Display capture also drops my FPS from 60 to 30. It feels like OBS slows down my Mac significantly.


Active Member
Window capture is (and has been) non-performant in OBS because of how MacOS windowing works.

SyphonInject was a capture method similar to Game Capture in Windows, but was dependent on OpenGL which Apple is deprecating in favor of its own proprietary API, Metal. I'm not currently aware of any timetable for updating or altering Syphon to work with Metal.

I have not updated to Mojave so I'm unable to verify whether or not it's just the case that using Display Capture causes such a drop.

Are you setting your canvas resolution to native display resolution? Because that might cause it, given that retina display resolutions are so high.