Mobile controller API for android, ios, and windows phone


New Member
i just had an idea that may be useful, why not release an api that we can use to create OBS controllers via mobile devices, this came to me when i was streaming with the original OBS, when i wanted to add something in stream i had to switch from my fullscreen game to the OBS window, making in some games to pause the video stream, even if i had 2 monitors and select the OBS window the game minimises into the windows start bar.

so the advantage of this is that we can control layouts, start, stop, record streams via an APP.
this of course can take time to make. the connectivity can either use USB connection or LAN connection to access OBS also for more security adding a random key to access OBS could be useful.

just sayan.


Community Helper
There is and API. You would have to write a plugin that consumes the API and a mobile app that talks to the plugin, but it's certainly already possible.


The Helping Squad
You could take a look at obsremote and see if you can use it as a base and improve it maybe.


New Member
This can be helpful for TV streaming – One scene will play program from 08:00 till 12:00 second one will play from 12:00 till 20:00 and third will play predefined playlist from 20:00 till 24:00 – God way for an automation of playing playin it ojn..................
