MKV files getting corrupted, what contianer is more resilient?


New Member
When I record into MKV I have this weird issue when 1 in 10 recordings is corrupted and can't be remuxed.

I'm unable to discern anything special about the recordings when this happens.

I stopped fiddling with my inputs / caputres during the recording, because this was one reliable way to get recordings corrupted, but it's still happening.

I already asked on the OBS discord but people just keep telling me that I should stick with MKV, which is obviously not feasible.


Active Member
Video files don't get broken on their own. You have some kind of hardware issue. Prioritize fixing this hardware issue instead of looking for how to fix broken files. If you fix your hardware, you don't get any broken files in the first place.
Keep in mind: if your video files get broken, everything else Windows is writing to also get broken. Sooner or later your Windows installation breaks and will not boot any more or repairs itself until it isn't able to do so any more.

Check your PC hardware. Your issue may for example stem from defective RAM, bad connection to your hard disk, overheating, defective power supply - of course much else, for example defective mainboard. For RAM, run Windows memory diagnosis. If this isn't giving any errors, open your PC, clean out dust, make sure every fan is actually spinning, and make sure every connector is sitting properly.


New Member
Considering this problem persisted accross me switching to a completely new PC I doubt it's a problem with HW.

Plus as you said, if this was a HW issue, other thing would be getting corrupted, but they are not and I run the PC 16 hours each day 7 days a week.


Active Member
Is your CPU, GPU, or disk getting saturated during recording? Nothing may be broke, simply overwhelmed??
Or, you could also be having a software problem that is interfering with the Record / disk write operations. Assuming you use this PC for lots of other activity, there are any number of background software operations that could interfere. What monitoring are you doing before, during and after recording to check on PC performance status?