Mixer.com FTL protocol support


New Member
The SDK is located here: https://github.com/mixer/ftl-sdk
Mixer also has a fork of an older version of OBS here: https://github.com/mixer/obs-studio-ftl
Docs for their fork is located here: https://watchbeam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000638643-Streaming-With-OBS-FTL

XSplit already has native support. I prefer OBS Studio as do many users of course, but i would love it more if the FTL protocol support was added to the main OBS Studio app as a checkbox that defaults to it as opposed to RTMP (or vice versa). This protocol allows Mixer broadcasters to stream with a 200 millisecond delay.

Thanks for reading and wouldn't mind seeing a dev comment! :)
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Forum Admin
Mixer want FTL support added to OBS as well. Given that they are owned by Microsoft, and already have experience working with OBS through their own fork, the best way for FTL support to be added is for them to make the necessary changes to OBS and submit a pull request themselves. Given that there is only really one developer for OBS, I'm not sure it's in everyone's best interest for him to spend his time serving the needs of one particular company.

I think FTL support would be great, but I think Mixer themselves should be the ones to add it.