Question / Help Missing screen in Screen capture (xshm) source


New Member
I am running Gentoo linux with two xorg instances running. I have xorg running with a screen for my desktop environment, and another running for my game (makes it easier dealing with special keystrokes, fullscreen, alt tabbing, etc). I want to capture the screen conatining my game (DISPLAY :1.0) running obs-studio on my desktop screen (DISPLAY :0.0). However, when configuring a Screen Capture/xshm source, the second display (:1) does not show up in the list. Where is obs reading this information from? I am assuming I need to fix something with the second screen to get it to show up (such as Xauthority, Xresources, etc). As a work around, I can run OBS in the same screen as the game just fine, but since that screen lacks a windows manager I am unable to switch between OBS and the game. Any help is much appreciated, I have been looking here and on the interwebs for an answer without much luck so far.



Hey pinion,

Right now OBS doesn't ask for any specific DISPLAY as you can see here

So it will grab the "default" display available and that seems quite niche to be a feature somebody from obs team would prioritize.

You can try to add that to our Ideas page and try to get more attention here