Mint how record only sound from game not all sound?


Active Member
Windows has an equivalent mixer too, and has the same problem. Voicemeeter is something different.

There are basically two options here:
  1. Google how to create a loopback in PulseAudio or PipeWire, whichever one you have. I've forgotten the details, as I switched to option #2 to build my latest few rigs. Once you have that loopback, send the game to there, and connect OBS to it as well, instead of the physical device.
    • The Linux world is in the middle of changing from PA to PW, so some distros have switched already and some haven't yet. The first thing to google should probably be, "How to tell which one you have?" because PW emulates PA in terms of how most apps interact with it, including the native mixer controls.
    • This is equivalent to installing VB Cable on Windows, except that the functionality already exists in Linux if you know how to ask for it.
  2. Install a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation; essentially a pro sound studio with all of its bells and whistles, in one app; or kinda like "Voicemeeter on steroids"), and google how to get audio into and out of that DAW. This probably involves some bridges to and from JACK, if you're still on PulseAudio, or it's supposed to "just work" in PipeWire all by itself.
    • At this point, you might as well do ALL of your audio processing in the DAW, with better access to mics and other sources, better ability to drive random outputs, better processing, etc. OBS is just one of those outputs, and the DAW is OBS's *only* input.
    • I like Ardour (sudo apt install ardour), but there are others to choose from too.
    • Starting the rig is not just a matter of starting OBS anymore: you have to start JACK, then create the bridges between it and PulseAudio, then start the DAW, and then start OBS. (with PipeWire, JACK and the bridges are not needed, because PW is always running and emulates both PA and JACK) Shutdown is the reverse order. I use a script for that; I don't do it manually!