MIDI control input as hotkeys?


Would like to see MIDI input as a hotkey option in OBS MP.
Benefits: doesnt need any keyboard binds to work with, is really popular in the DJ, musician and "live"-world, fairly cheap on the market (small controllers start at 30$). LED feedback as an option (trigger, push, blinking mode etc).
Drawbacks: USB ports and the usual problem with a huge amount of semi- and professional gear around with mostly poor driver support, compatibility with other software working in the background (any DAW, DJ/VJ/LJ-software).

Can help with testing, got 4 controllers flying around.
Waiting for YEARS to have the support so i can use my DJ gear that is highly visible in dark areas etc. Need any help with testing it under windows? Ask me. Linux is possible, but due to lack of any really widespread usage under linux - can be ignored. OSX is a huge thing, specially with the popular OSX/iOS in this area.


Forum Admin
This has been requested many times, and rest assured you have all been heard. However, it's not exactly a simple task and other features have more priority. I can say this is very likely to be added at some point, but when is something I do not know.