Middle of Screen/Crosshair is blurry


Turn off HAGS

That might also help with the Audio Buffering issue

What bitrate are you recording at I couldn't find it in the log I doubt it's zero



New Member
I'm using cqp 15. Also I turned off HAGS but the result is still the same. It's quite weird, the rest of my screen is mostly clear but the center is blurry. Especially the crosshair.


Active Member
The crosshair is color red which tends to create artifacts when recording due to compresion. This can be percived as blured but it's actually compresion artifacts. Same thing goes to green.
But in the image you can see no artifact nor noticeable blur in it other than the normal blur form the game due to distance form the character (blu12).

Also, if you're using windows player to watch the video, try VLC player instead.


New Member
Thank you so much! Changing it to white does help it a lot. Is there any way to not have artifacts when using a red crosshair? My crosshairs are red in most games.

I use VLC to review videos.


Active Member
Make yourself a favor and forget about artifacts. No one cares about it.
Use the color you feel the best for you and enjoy the game.