Question / Help Microphone has stopped working in OBS Studio only

Dave Wilson

New Member
I'm running the newest OBS Studio and did a Live stream last night just fine.

Today I got home from work, simply added a new Scene, a Media Source which is nothing more than 14 second log animation with audio in .mp4 format.

I proceeded to do a short 30 second test stream only to discover my microphone is working any more. Except, it works fine in other applications.

My current log file is here;

Any insights would be great! And yes, I've tried turning things off and back on again.


Suslik V

Active Member
Make sure that you don't messed up with mic sources (one from you webcam, next is PC build-in mic jack-in, and one more is external USB mic).

Dave Wilson

New Member
Yeah I've double and triple checked all that. Like I said, I streamed fine the night before, then this happened. Other than adding that scene I didn't make any changes to anything.

Dave Wilson

New Member
Nope. But I do when I open the Windows Audio recording optons. So I know it's working. It's just OBS that isn't acknowledging it.

Suslik V

Active Member
Do you even see you mic in Mixers list? Because if you select your mic in Settings>Audio (as one of the Mic/Aux devices, not default) then it become global source. But if you want mic only in one scene - you need to add 'Audio Input Capture' source (choose device in its properties) into Sources list. Then you may clone this source to other scenes via Add Existing option.

Dave Wilson

New Member
So, to answer your question, yes I was able to see it in all fields it might show up in. Yet no matter how I selected things it would not come back. After doing some test recordings it almost sounded like it was activating with the recording, but was just muted. I could the click of it being enabled at the start of the recording on playback. Yet all volumes were up and nothing was muted.

In the end, I backed up my profiles folders, Un-Installed OBS, re-Installed OBS, copied my profile folders back and now everything is working again.

Would be nice to know what happened though so that if it happens again maybe I can just fix a setting in two seconds instead of spending 10-20 minutes redoing it all.