Question / Help Mic mute/unmute briefly works then doesnt

If i select my Core:Mic Scene, which just has the mic, the hotkeys i have setup work. i can mute and unmute the mic.


However, as soon as I switch to anything other Scene, it stops working. If i had muted the mic, it stays muted. If it was open, it stays open. NUM SUB does nothing.

Most oddly, if i go back to Core: Mic scene, it doesnt work there either! It only starts working again if i click this:
(and I have to me on Core: Mic Scene)


Help please! I am confused what I am doing wrong... I thought a simple mic toggle would be dirt simple.

LOVING Studio over classic though... well after i realized scenes can be used as sources so you can layer core with overlays with the game for ultimate compartmentalized awesomeness.


New Member
Hello, I am Very Very sad to see that this is not resolved, as i am having the Exact same issue...

I have OBS Running as admin. i have my MIC going to MIC/AUX input. the Audio is not the problem. the problem is the exact same as yours.

I have a Scene selected,
I Open the Settings Menu.
I Set my HotKeys for Mute/Unmute.
I close the settings menu.
Muting and unMuting works.
I change Scenes.
Muting and Unmuting no longer works...

Only after I manually click on the Quick Mute Button on OBS... as stated above... This is not a isolated issue as i have seen other post about this.. how is this unresolved?

EDIT.. I Used two different keys to mute and unmute. I just tried the same key to unmute and mute .. same result..

HOWEVER, I did notice something...

The after setting the hotkey and closing the settings menu. I was able to switch scenes, "USING MY HOT KEYS ONLY" And doing so i notice that the HOT KEY for muting/unmuting still works...

HOWEVER, After changing Scenes using my MOUSE. the Hotkeys for muting/unmuting no longer worked

In Summation, It would seem as though the HOTKEYS for muting / unmuting my MIC only work. IF I ONLY USE HOT KEYS TO INTERACT WITH OBS. If I use my mouse to click on anything after i close the settings menu hotkeys no longer work...
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