Question / Help Mevo Source

Dustin Snider

New Member
Hey everyone, new here so I apologies if I am posting in the wrong area. I am currently running the production unit for a church that is looking to step into the livestreaming game, I just finished building an HTML5 full screen web app that came out amazing if I do say so myself, built it on top of WordPress. Anyways, we are looking to step into doing livestreams and the Mevo looks amazing, perfect for what we want to do, except we can't switch to our own slides. The Livestream Studio is great and would work perfect for what we want to do but at $800 its way out of our price range, I see Mevo locks you into using Livestream Studio or just straight broadcasting, I was wondering if anyone has successfully hooked Mevo up to OBS. I see Livestream Studio can remote hook up to it if your on the same wireless network, has anyone taken a look at trying to connect to it without Livestream Studio? I am a web developer so I am would say I have a good grasp on technical things, is it even worth me trying to do or do they have it locked down enough that you can't get in? We haven't ordered our Mevo yet, but I am starting to second guess buying it unless we can run it through a software switcher and push slides to our stream, honestly Livestream Studio is perfect for what we need to do and I have the demo on my computer but just can't justify spending $800 on it when I can buy 3 cameras and run them through a free switcher for half that price. Any suggestions?


Community Helper
What is it about the Mevo in particular that looks like it fits your needs better than a standard camcorder? Maybe I'm just not quite getting it yet.

Dustin Snider

New Member
Have you looked at Mevo? Its particularly the multiple different shots it allows you to easily select from via the app. I would need to setup 6 camcorder's to replicate what the Mevo can do as well as I can take control of the camera and zoom in/select what I want to focus on easily. What I am going for is to take what I am picking as the output from the Mevo app to my switcher (I would like OBS) where I can put up slides or welcome message before the livestream starts or when it ends etc. I hope what I am saying makes sense its hard to put it to words and its also 2:30 in the morning haha.


Community Helper
I did look at the web site, but it did a spectacularly bad job of explaining what exactly it did. From what I gather, it can take a still shot of video and feed it over wifi, presumably, to a phone app, which lets you chop up the still image via digital zoom and pan.

Latency and compression issues aside, I'm not a fan of the idea of digital pan and zoom, but I guess I'm not the one thinking of buying it. If it were me, I would get a proper PTZ camera.

Anyway, as to your actual question: it looks like the app is what is doing the "production" magic, assuming the zoom and pan is all digital. In that case, I don't think getting a raw feed from the camera's HDMI out would get you what you want for the purposes of importing into OBS via capture card. I doubt Livestream has any desire to give other applications access to the produced feed, so I think the odds of an OBS plugin that can do the same are pretty much none. And like I alluded to, my guess is that there is a non-trivial amount of latency between live action and what appears on the app if it is really over wifi. I would have to see it in person to be sure, though.

As an alternative suggestion, you can set up a similar thing with your own high resolution camcorder by creating several scenes in OBS, adding the camera capture to those scenes, and then moving/resizing the separate captures as you need. It will probably my still have the digital zoom issues, though, but it's entirely possible that the Mevo has the same problem too, depending on the implementation.

Antonel Neculai

New Member
To answer dodgepong's worries about the digital zoom: Mevo shoots in 4k resolution, so it can "afford" to split into a few HD channels. So the zoom is practically not the same as the old concept of digital zoom (meaning loss in resolution), since there is plenty of extra resolution to lose and still be in the HD area. One issue I did find is the sensitivity in low light: pretty bad.

Colleen Edge

New Member
I am running a Mevo and want to use OBS to post an overlay with info on my FB live feed. Is there a way to connect the Mevo to the OBS software? Thanks!

Oleksa Bublik

New Member
To answer dodgepong question about MEVO - my favorite Mevo's feature is live face tracking and automated scene switching. Something I don't find anywhere else. I can literally have it run on autopilot with few manual adjustments. So, yeah having it work with OBS would be great. Livestream's plans are ridiculously expensive and restrictive.

Oleksa Bublik

New Member
Dustin Snider
do you have your Wordpress app available somewhere in Wordpress repository? I'd love to take look. We run Mevo for our church services too and also would like to step up our livestreaming game.


New Member
Anyone ever get anywhere with this? I'm looking to implement something similar to this. A MEVO alternative, that is.


New Member
Let me start by saying that I have not purchased the MEVO yet. Evaluating it for our situation. The docs say that you can stream to a custom rtmp server. Shouldn't you be able to setup an rtmp server and send MEVO stream there, and then connect to it in OBS as a media source?


New Member
My church bought the MEVO Camera. It is a nightmare. It is not a stand-alone camera. It requires an app to run either in an iPad of a cellular phone. If you use an iPAD, then for $3.99 you can buy the OBS app. From the OBS app just grab the desire window and crop the unnecessary portion.

The real trick is to grab the MEVO transmitted image with a PC. If you want to do that, it is because you realized that the MEVO app is somehow limited compare to OBS. My recommendation is do not buy the MEVO Camera. Instead, buy a 4K Camcorder and use your video capture card with OBS.

If you already ave the camera, as I do, then you can always record using the MEVO, or video stream to a secondary account. Then use OBS to grab the windows of your browser where you are seeing the MEVO video stream. Naturally, it will have a delay. The slowest the internet connection, the bigger will be the delay. You can use the delay to your advantage. You can add text and all OBS feature and video stream to our primary account. This setup works better with two persons, which usually is not a problem in a church. One person will handle the MEVO camera and its app, and the other will manage OBS. The sound will have to be handled by the MEVO app to avoid asynchronous echos. That is another issue.

The image quality is great. We do have problem with sound due to the size of the church. in that sense, I will wish OBS to capture images through WIFI connection. I am not familiar with OBS browser. Perhaps from there something can be done.