Question / Help mediasource/rtmp - black video


New Member

i have set up an rtmp server (MonaServer 1.1 Win32) and Stream my game with OBS 0.658b x86 to the rtmp-server (server is not on my game rig).
On my rtmp server i can view the video with VLC and ffplay - both work.

When i add this rtmp source as media-source in OBS-Studio 0.15.2 x64, neither the video or the audio get streamed to twitch. I also put an overlay image in the same scene which is streamed and shown up on my twitch stream. But the rtmp source keeps black.

The weird thing is, that i can preview the rtmp video inside of the specified media-source settings window.

This only affects the rtmp source. Images and Videofiles are working good.

Some settings for you:
Game Rig used: bitrate 2000, CBR enabled, 44,1kHz Audiosampling (AAC) with a resolution of 1280x1024px at 25 FPS. CFR as been testet on enabled and disabled. cpu is veryfast, keyframe is set to 2 and encodingprofile is main.

Server: bitrate 2000, CBR enabled, 44,1kHz Audiosampling (AAC) with a resolution of 1280x1024px downscaled to 960x540px at 25 FPS. Renderer has been testet with Direct3D 11 and OpenGL. Colorformat is NV12 with YUV 601 (same as Game-Rig). CPU is superfast, Profil is main and Tune is set to fastdecode.

The logfile does not show anything about.

Can someone help?




New Member
In x86 Version of obs-studio it works with the vlc source! :D (in x64 i don't see any option to add a vlc source)
But now my (really bad) cpu is again fully on load on scenes, where it is on x64 kind a chilled :S

Anyway i am happy, that there seems to be a little piece of hope at the end of the day :D Thank you :)