Bug Report Media source


New Member
With the option of "Restart playback when source becomes active", if you have the Media source hidden, it will still start playing when you switch back to the scene. Seems that hiding / showing the Media source does not effect the source at all, as I would think that when hiding the source, it stops playing the source and when you show it, it starts from the begining?

Also Media source is missing feature (I guess) where you can stream the source audio to your system and that way hear the Media source audio yourself. (Output audio to device - option in old OBS)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It should deactivate/reactivate when the visibility of the item in the scene is disabled/re-enabled.

The audio monitoring feature is planned, but still a few patches away.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Oh, I think I see what you're saying, if you create the source hidden you mean? I'll check, thanks for pointing it out


New Member
Sorry, was not the clearest way to explain it.

I mean when I untoggle the media source (hide it?), the media still runs in the background. I can see that from the mixer as the media source volume slider is moving there. It's hard to test it out if the media is really playing in there as I can't hear the media audio myself. If I toggle (show?) the source again when it's still playing in the background, it's like it has never stopped playing.

Sometimes it stops the media source with a delay when unchecking the media source though.