Media Source - srt:// URL doesn't want to open port


New Member
I am trying to initialise an SRT listener. This works fine in Windows but on Debian Linux (OBS 26.0.2+dfsg1-1) I get the following and no port is opened.

info: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings:
input: srt://
speed: 100
is_looping: no
is_hw_decoding: no
is_clear_on_media_end: no
restart_on_activate: yes
close_when_inactive: no
warning: MP: Failed to open media: 'srt://'

Filip S

I have the same problem with ubunto 20.04 but I am not using port 4444 because this is already used but winsocket possible.

[Media Source 'Media Source srt-test']: settings:
00:50:04.649: input: srt://@:4003?mode=listener
00:50:04.649: input_format: mpegts
00:50:04.649: speed: 100
00:50:04.649: is_looping: no
00:50:04.649: is_hw_decoding: yes
00:50:04.649: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
00:50:04.649: MP: Failed to open media: 'srt://@:4003?mode=listener'

I have also testet with srt://

Filip S

Now I have recompiled srt, ffmpeg and even OBS 26.1.2 removed the old obs and ffmpeg from the system but I get the same problem : MP: Failed to open media: 'srt://@:4003?mode=listener'


: MP: Failed to open media: 'srt://

And it does not work.

Filip S

Thats a problem getting OBS working with SRT - I even tried to open an issue on OBS gethub and the issue is just closed saying OBS needs at FFMPEG that support the SRT - but SRT is supported by my FFMPEG and is compiled with latetest source from the os systems ffmpeg is removed and the ffmpeg is recompiled so the OBS should use this but obs-ffmpeg mux does not really get compiled correctly so its still a problem and it looks like I cant solve the problem and it does not exist when issue is just geting closed like resolved. To bad it would have been nice if srt and OBS was working with my Linux platform.