Question / Help Media Source Playback Issue - Cannot find an index entry before timestamp: 0


Active Member
I've been having problems with a Media Source not showing up/playing the video semi-regularly. This happens with a few video files (all generated by the same program, so possibly related?). The only error that pops up in the logs any time I try to make the source visible and it fails is the following two lines:
05:01:05.049: warning: st: 0 edit list: 1 Missing key frame while searching for timestamp: 0
05:01:05.049: warning: st: 0 edit list 1 Cannot find an index entry before timestamp: 0.
The odd part is that sometimes the video works fine, and sometimes it fails and shows nothing at all, while adding the above two lines to the log.
It's a local file, all five options are checked (loop, restart, hardware decode, show nothing when ends, close when inactive), playback speed is 100%, and color range is set to Auto.

I've also noticed that it does not animate in the Preview pane in Studio mode; I assume that may be related to the 'close when inactive' or 'restart when visible' options though.


Active Member
It sounds like this may be more of a problem with how the video is encoded. If the video has been trimmed down (as in, not re-encoded) from a larger file without respect to keyframe positions, then there's the possibility that it's actually starting frame 0 as a non-keyframe.

Which program are you using to generate these video files?


Active Member
It sounds like this may be more of a problem with how the video is encoded. If the video has been trimmed down (as in, not re-encoded) from a larger file without respect to keyframe positions, then there's the possibility that it's actually starting frame 0 as a non-keyframe.

Which program are you using to generate these video files?
They were created in AfterEffects, and were not trimmed from a longer video
Do you know of any third-party tools for inspecting/analyzing/correcting a video's metadata and structure? Or would re-encoding it through Handbrake be about my only option, since (AFAIK) remuxing it wouldn't alter the keyframes?