Question / Help Media Source: Playback a Video on Command.


New Member
Hey all,

I am having trouble playing back a video file on command. It seems as if the video is constantly looping. When I uncheck the looping box in properties, it just holds on the last frame of video, even when hiding/showing the source.

Is there any way to make the video start playing from the beginning when toggling "show" in the Source box?

Sorry if I'm not making any sense. For clarification, check out this stream of mine from a while back. One video is playing, then when I am ready to go live, I play my intro. This stream was using OBS 0.655 with the video source plugin.

Can we do that right now in Multiplatform? If not, is that functionality planned?

Thanks for reading!


New Member
Ok cool! I really look forward to that functionality being added.

OBS is awesome. Many thanks go out to the team building it. YOU DA BEST!