Question / Help Media Source .MOV Choppy

Suslik V

Active Member
Open Stats window (main menu View>Stats) when the file is "choppy" - the Frames missed due to rendering lag is red color in your case, isn't it?


New Member
Nah. Not in red nor is the number going up. Just staying there at 26


  • IMG_4790.JPG
    102.8 KB · Views: 160

Suslik V

Active Member
Mystery. Can you add working Video Capture Device to the current scene collection (virtual cam is well enough), then switch to the scene where the file playbacks and after ~20 seconds (make sure that video choppy) post the current log-file?

Suslik V

Active Member
Video Capture Device failed - can you add any working device (later you can remove it)? This only needed to see all warnings (and that only starts logging if you have working Video Capture Device in the scene - both sources highly depends on ffmpeg) - maybe this warnings has clue to the issue itself (or maybe not).


New Member
Yeah, I used my Elgato which is a Video Capture Device to record what happened. Should I hook it up to a game console instead?

Suslik V

Active Member
No warnings in the log... That means that file is OK. Only the reason left - is very demanding video file. Really, it is strange that Stats window didn't show any rendering lag when you see it by your own eyes. You could try: to reduce bitrate of the source file, its resolution, try to use 4:2:0 subsampling (if something else specified) for the file, use fast hard disk drive to store the source file - all this makes it less demanding on playback.


New Member
I fixed it. The original video was almost 18GB, 1080p 60fps and I guess it was just too demanding. So I made the video ~2GB, 360p 60fps and it works perfectly.