Bug Report Media Source freezes after 5 minutes


New Member
Hello folks. When running OBS with a Media Source set to Input host (not local), which comes from an rtsp live camera feed, after 5 minutes of running, the feed stops, freezes in OBS and of course then also at the target Stream.
In order to get around the issue, one MUST double click on the Media Source in the Sources pannel, and simply click OK again. That seems to "reset" the feed and it then resumes fine for the next 5 minutes, when it freezes again.

Looking at the logs doesn't show the interuption. All you see are the Media Source configuration details, as if you JUST created it brand NEW.

15:40:59.805: close_when_inactive: yes
15:41:58.709: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings:
15:41:58.709: input: rtsp://<cameraIP@:7447/rtsp_key>
15:41:58.709: input_format:
15:41:58.709: speed: 100
15:41:58.709: is_looping: no
15:41:58.709: is_hw_decoding: no
15:41:58.709: is_clear_on_media_end: no
15:41:58.709: restart_on_activate: yes
15:41:58.709: close_when_inactive: yes

This is true for the Mac AND Linux version. I haven't tested the Windows version.

Thank you.