Question / Help Media Source and RTMP?


Now I'd like to switch from OBS classic to Studio completely, but I can't for the life of me get studio to lay any RTMP urls. It gives me errors server side "Application Doesn't Exist" Which I'm at a loss for because pulling the rtmp with the video plugin on OBS classic works absolutely fine.

The real trick here is I'd like to make use of the masking functions of OBS-Studio and that doesn't seem to be working out for me very well. Is there something Im missing here? I assume the input should be url and playpath but it throws and error and does nothing, where as video plugin on classic says I have a listener and sends the feed.


Still kind of looking for an answer to this one. I mean its flawless on obs classic, and it seems like media source works for other people, but Im not sure if there doing anything particular.
This works for me:


Here's what my media source properties look like:

rtmp config.JPG


Yea, Im using rtmp:// IP :1935/CAM1 which works fine with the video plugin on OBS classic everytime, which isn't the issue in reality. The issue is I want to use the source masks and do some things to make it so multiple streams can come together in a seamless fashion. So I figured the real ideal solution would have been just masking out where each persons webcam would be and having their background gameplay switchable from a single pc.

Obviously this would be very complex if it was each person and the master stream having to switch scenes to get different gameplay in the background. Where as nearly the same scene could be made over and over with different masks covering the different portions at different times.