Bug Report Massive Mem Leak with 64bit test version?


New Member
I just tested it out and noticed a massive memory leak with the 64 bit version. (can't use the 32 bit version because of a missing .dll file apparently. Not sure where to get it.) but after doing a test stream/recording for about 5 min, my PC maxed out on mem and closed OBS automatically. (running 8 gb of ram) Not sure if it's just me or if anyone else is getting this but REALLY want to be able to use this soon so hopefully I can sort it out. Anyone have any ideas?

Here's the full log: http://pastebin.com/i5y9PchL

Here's a snap of my processes & insane mem usage from OBS after about 3-4 min: http://i.imgur.com/QhN33gc.png

I already installed the VS2013 redistributable as well.


Community Helper
This is a issue with capture cards/cameras if you have them set to "Hidden". Thanks for the report.

What DLL does it say you are missing for the 32bit version?