Bug Report MASSIVE FrameDrops and AudioGaps with Videosource


New Member
Hey everybody.

i got in my profile a scene which includes a videosource, name it a logitech c920 webcam. the video feed is quite stuttering 1sec video 2sec freeze 1sec video 2sec freeze.
same for the "mic" when its used push to talk.

on other applications which use the c920 as a videosource (e.g. xsplit, google, yt, upstream, skype) there is not such a problem. i tried already several device settings without any luck.

my rig is a 1100T black edition with 3.7GHz and 32GB RAM and 4TB SSD Drives.
my connection is a dedicated 100mbit async line with 6mbit upchannel.

So. any chance that this bug is fixed? i already read lots about this bug for obs (googlesearch) and found posts which are a couple of years old but without any fix or workaround.

so does it work with ANY software without any problem but OBS has an issue? what is OBS doin different from XSPLIT skype youtube or google?

im open for any ideas.

