Question / Help Massive Frame drop in Minecraft When Using OBS


New Member
Hey, I have just started having this issue today and I am not sure why it is happening, so I am hoping to get some help here.

I have been able to stream Minecraft just fine in the past, with no frame drops at all. Note that these frame drops are in game, not in OBS when streaming/recording (but these drops only happen when OBS is open... so that is why I am here).
These new frame drops happen when Minecraft is open (windowed) while OBS is also open (windowed or minimized does not make a difference in this case) while the scene containing my Minecraft gameplay is active. When I switch to a different scene that does not contain Minecraft, the in-game frame drops stop. I can also avoid this issue when I change my game to fullscreen; however, I would like to avoid this as I do not have a second monitor to use at this time.

This only seems to happen with Minecraft, as I tested it with Overwatch in the same settings (windowed with OBS both windowed and minimized) and did not get in-game frame drops. Admittedly that is a very small test that could mean nothing, but it is better than nothing.

Here is the log from when I was testing this issue I was having (I was not streaming/recording, but I was still getting the in-game frame drops):

In the mean time I am going to look for a cheap second monitor. Thank you in advance for the help :D


New Member
NOTE: I just remembered that my computer updated Windows automatically yesterday, so that could also be part of the problem (if not the whole problem)