Question / Help Massive CPU need with video background looping


New Member
Hi there.

I have a little issue, i start using Video Background in my stream with the "Loop" option On, "restart playback when source become active" and "use hardware decoding when avaible". All this 3 activated, and the other not.

CPU: Quad Core i5 4440, no dust etc, my PC is really clean :p
Streaming in 1080p resized down to 720p in 60FPS with OBS studio and a downscake filtrer bicubic.
I use a 2500 bitrate without issue there
Encoder: x264 (software) and audio bitrate: 128, 44.1khz

My CPU usage is:
- 4.9% with overlay, no Game capture, no game, my streaming tool open (Twitch lab, nightbot, adobe audition etc) and No Video background.

- Around 18% CPU usage with same as above but with the Video looping ( this video is in 60frame/s, 1920x1080, 1333kbits/s and is a 20s video for a total 3.19Mo files size in .mp4)

- around 43% CPU usage with an other one (the issue is the video is in 4K, i must reduce the size, the video link just in case )

The question:

I know the last case is normal and idiot because the video is 4k, that just for the example just in case.

My question is, there is a way to reduce the CPU usage with "Scale filtering" or "deinterlacing" option? I don't really know what they are doing.
I want to find a way to keep using the video background in a 60FPS stream, in 30FPS i don't see so much issue, but the quality is ... not really nice for the viewers, so i prefer to be in 60FPS

Do i have to setup something in scale filtering ? Deinterlacing ? i tried the "hardware decoding when avaible" but it doesn't seems to do anything, activated or not.

Or did i just have to reduce the size of the video ? keep the 60frame/s and reducing the size or keep the 1080p size and cut frame/s in half ?

thanks for your help.


Scaling the big video down will help, because then OBS doesn't need to be doing it on the fly. Reducing it from 60fps to 30fps may help too.


New Member
Ok, i will try to do this, thanks, i don't really know how but i will try x)

And what about these two option:
- Deinterlacing
- scale filtering

What do they do ? (sorry i don't know anything about this, just trying do perfect my knowledge and my stream quality)


Active Member
Deinterlacing: Interlaced video is the origin of TV . 25 frames per second BUT electronics (vacuum valves, not solid state) at that time can´t do that. So, the solution was interlacing two fream, one with even lines , the other with odd. Deinterlacing consists in saving one saemi frame and present it together with next semifarme. This reduces flickering.
So, this is not good for you.
Scle filtering will use your GPU to scale. So, if you have spare CPU it could help.

Better option
Transcode video to a lighter format


New Member
thanks a lot dude ! This will help me a lot :D

Thanks for your time, you really helped me well, many viewers will be able to have a better stream quality now :) thanks for this, for them !