Bug Report Many Problems with 0.15.4


New Member
I am using OBS till yet without any problems. But as the new Update came, i got some trouble.

If i start OBS Studio, often my Cam (C920) is not starting. I have to start OBS many times, till my cam starts. The blue cam light is on, but i cant see any picture in the preview screen / video.

Then, OBS will ALWAYS crash at first start.

Then, i cant record No man´s Sky. Whatever i try, i have with all possible capture things (Minitor capture, game capture, window capture) tested - but the screen is always black.

I have many errors, that i havnt before the update. (See log)

I tried to reinstall OBS studio, but the errors ar always the same......

Any suggestions?

Log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a38dc7b8156e65a92c9cc94730302340