Manipulate UI using Lua script?


New Member
I may be in over my head, but we'll see.

Is it possible, using Lua, to create a new dock, and also manipulate an existing dock? I want to change the listed sources in the sources dock without changing the actual sources.

I have no experience in C, but I have an idea for a plugin. I've had a look at the docs but I'm not real sure where to start.


Forum Admin
It might be better to explain what you are trying to do. I don't think that what you are asking is directly possible as a Lua script, though.


New Member
Alright. I wanted to use the websocket and NDI plugins to turn OBS into a remote interface for OBS running on another device. Probably not with *everything* supported remotely, I don't know what the websocket plugin supports exactly, but things like organising scenes and sources and starting and stopping the stream. I would have a new dock for enabling the remote interface, and the scenes and sources docks would then respresent the scenes and sources on the remote OBS, instead of the local ones.