Mandatory SpeexDSP

Summary: I propose making the SpeexDSP library a mandatory build requirement to alleviate issues with downstream builds and packaging.

A few months ago I observed an issue with the (Linux) version of OBS distributed on the Ubuntu PPA: the noise suppression filter was unavailable, despite having been recently added as an official feature. It was strange, since the feature was available on the same point releases on Windows and even openSUSE.

Some hunting lead me to believe that the core problem was that the build config file made for the Ubuntu version (found here) wasn't adding libspeexdsp-dev as a build dependency, causing it to leave out the specific feature (soft requirement in this cmake file).

On April 13th, 2017, a new build was published on the PPA with a new build config (found here) now including libspeexdsp-dev as a build dependency, and that version of OBS has the noise suppression filter working. However, when I tried out Solus the other day, I found that its version of OBS doesn't have the noise suppression filter, likely due to a similar problem as I saw before and even with the speex devel package being available in that OS's repo.

Because of these issues, I would like to propose that SpeexDSP become a mandatory dependency instead of only being pulled in when it is available. This would prevent packagers from accidentally leaving out the package from the list of build requirements. The only reason I can see against such a change is if this library is unavailable on currently supported platforms, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that problem.

Does this seem like a reasonable change?