Manage streaming of 2 youtube live streams


New Member
I need to setup a live streaming of an event, where 2 artists are located hundreds of miles apart. They can not be at the same venue to perform.

Each one has a youtube live channel, where they plan to stream their performance live.

I would like to manage a resulting youtube stream comprising of:

- 1 Youtube live event (artist 1)
- 1 Yoututbe live event (artist 2)
- 1 locally available video file

I tried to simulate the scenario. However, I noticed a bunch of problems...

1. Video displayed on a browser and that added to OBS is content wise different. Many a times, I OBS captured youtube ads instead of the live stream.
2. The live stream was captured at 60FPS. However, it appears very choppy within OBS. I don't see this in the browser. So, it does not appear to be ISP speed.

Could someone let me know if this is a viable solution and/or propose a better alternative?


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